Sunday, November 18, 2007


Introduction to Wildfires

Wildfires are one of the most destructive natural forces known to mankind. They are also known as a wild land fire, forest fire, vegetation fire, grass fire, peat fire, or hill fire. Wildfires are sometimes caused by lightning but nine out of ten wildfires are caused by human carelessness. They are also caused by the build up of vegetation, arson, camp fires, discarding of cigarettes, improperly burnt debris, playing with matches or fireworks, prescribed fires, volcano eruptions, heat waves, climate changes, and El NiƱos. Common effects of wildfires include landslides, erosion, changes in water and air quality, and the extinction of various animal species. LEDC's suffer more from wildfires because of the lack of fire protection plans and early warning systems such as in South Africa.

Areas of the World affected by Wildfires

Areas of the world that are affected by wildfires include the forested areas of the USA, the states of California, Oregon, Michigan, Arizona, Montana etc. and in Canada, Ontario and British Columbia. They occur in the vegetated areas of Australia and the Western Cape of South Africa. Also, during the summer, fall, grasslands and scrublands. Countries include Greece, Italy, France, Portugal, Poland, Spain and Indonesia.

The California fires: October 20 - November 9 2007

An example of wildfires occurs not long ago, throughout California on October 20th to November 9th 2007. The causes of the California fires are caused by droughts in Southern California, which was the driest year on record, hot weather, unusually strong Santa Ana winds with gusts reaching 85 mph, power lines damaged by high winds, a semi-truck overturn, kids playing with matches, and cigarettes. Most of the causes of the California fires were due to human carelessness to the environment.
The effects of the California fires are that at least 1,500 homes were destroyed, over 500,000 acres of land burned from Santa Barbara County to the U.S – Mexico border. 10 people died of direct flame contact. 85 injured including at least 61 fire fighters. Almost 3,000 prisoners convicted of non-violent crimes. More than 900,000 evacuated, which was the largest evacuation in the history of California. Surprisingly, the number of people evacuated in San Diego county exceeded the number evacuated from New Orleans, Lousiana during Hurricane Katrina. Roads were closed because of fire and smoke. On October 21 the Harris Fire damaged and disabeled the Southwest Power Link, a 500-volt power line from Arizona to San Diego. There were power outages in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and other places around that area. Smoke enters the lungs and bloodstream and leads to lung diseases, cancer, asthma and various kinds of diseases. Smoke covers California resulting in unhealthy air and water quality.

Why People Live in Fire Prone Areas

People live in Fire prone areas because the view, economy, history, and increased fire protection policies. Such as in California, there is 1/10 of the total oil supply of the United States and the view is enjoyable, so people will risk their lives for that. There are 264 state parks and beaches which is a major attraction to retired and elderly citizens. Mavericks, an area of a beach in San Mateo County is considered one of the three best surfing locations in the world because the waves are up to 30 feet. This is also a factor why people decide to live in Fire prone areas. California plants an average of 7 trees for every one harvested. Also, California is the largest producer of goods of all the states and the largest agricultural state in America. California was also the first state to ever reach a trillion dollar economy gross state product. It has the largest economy in the United States and is ranked the 7th largest economy in the world. Central Valley, a flat plain of 75 miles long is the richest farming region in the history of the world. Fire protection policies have improved because more people are immigrating to California each year. There are increased fire protection policies and plans. Some also live in fire prone areas because it is a hassle to move houses.

Protection Measures for Wildfires

To protect you and your family from encountering wildfires, start at the backyard. One reason for the cause of wildfires is because of the increase in outdoor activity. Grass-burning fires can be a cause of wildfires. When burning materials in the backyard, use tools, water, and enough people to control the fire. The fire must not be allowed to burn when the wind is strong enough to carry sparks to other fire consuming materials. Another issue is camping. Be sure to select your campsite carefully and remove all leaves, twigs, and other flammable materials from the area. Never leave a campfire unattended and keep a bucket of water close at all times. Make a ring of rocks at least six feet from trees and debris. Be sure to completely extinguish the fire before leaving the campsite. Pour water on the fire until embers and ashes are cold. Depending on which areas you live in, arsonists cause fires throughout the USA that result in risk to property, people, wildlife, and high financial losses. If this incident happens, report immediately to local authorities. Generally, do not smoke on dry grounds. Use ashtrays. Don’t park vehicles on dry grass as they could cause smoke. Never take burning sticks out of a wildfire. Also, avoid using stoves, lanterns, and heaters inside a tent. Store flammable liquid containers in a safe place out of reach of children.

The Future of Wildfires and Global Warming

In the future, wildfires will have an impact on millions of people worldwide especially where the climate is originally hot and dry. There would be improvement in the Wildfire Threat Rating System (WTRS.) For California’s future, they will try to obtain more water-dropping helicopters and the U.S. Marines have agreed to train with Californian fire fighters. Military aircrafts are called to supply resources for fires when necessary.
Global warming will definitely cause more wildfires because the earth is constantly getting hotter. The climate will change. It will become warmer, drier, and windier. There will be more frequent wildfires due to the drier weather. Warmer temperatures are to lead to greater bark beetle infestations in forests. It is supposedly that there is going to be North America’s largest-ever insect infestation. It’s just a matter of time before this catastrophe happens. There will be an earlier start in the fire season and higher fire danger and damage. Around the world, there will be more fires. There will most likely be a decrease in the population due to smoke and weather. People are prone to suffering from diseases such as asthma and lung cancer because of poor air and water quality from wildfire smoke.

WORKS CITED,1082,0_578_325,00.html

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have made a blog for Asian Studies.
Feel free to post anything you want to.

Andrea Boonyarungsrit